原產美國,是輕量級(每單機價格十萬之內)Hi-End的重頭戲,其前級擴大機24K、後級擴大機4004,每每受專業雜誌評為Best Buy。各類推薦的因素中,一致出現過"物超所值"的評語,正好透露了ARAGON設計製造音響器材的初衷,除了性能備受肯定,24K、4004的外觀還特別延請美國發燒天書的封面設計人,同時也是資深的音響玩家為其造型,效果深具權威感及原創性。D/A轉換器也是ARAGON令一項傲人的成就,D2A及替代機種D2A II在醇化數位訊號的表現上令人豎指驚嘆,尤其D2A II更是動人已極。
Aragon is the convergence of art and engineering executed with elegant simplicity. Aragon components are characterized by:
Extreme performance
Authentic reproduction
Elegant aesthetic
Reliable construction
Intuitive operation
From the feel of the sculpted aluminum knob to the sound of the music, the Aragon experience is based on the reality of quality. Atagon is still fully designed and handcrafted in America and internationally acclaimed as the highest quality and finest value attainable in performance audio and video.
Aragon is introducing a new line of products in 2011 to carry on the proud tradition of performance and Made in America quality and reliability. Starting with the Iridium, our flagship 400W monoblock amplifier, and the 8008 mkII, our 200W dual monoblock amplifier, we are bringing back the same no-compromise, high-value aapproach to modern entertainment electronics perfected by Mondial Designs. Later this year we'll bring out our 2-channel and multi-channel pre-amps, plus the updated 8008x3 mkII, our 3-channel amplifier.
Aragon is the convergence of art and engineering executed with elegant simplicity. Aragon components are characterized by:
Extreme performance
Authentic reproduction
Elegant aesthetic
Reliable construction
Intuitive operation
From the feel of the sculpted aluminum knob to the sound of the music, the Aragon experience is based on the reality of quality. Atagon is still fully designed and handcrafted in America and internationally acclaimed as the highest quality and finest value attainable in performance audio and video.
Aragon is introducing a new line of products in 2011 to carry on the proud tradition of performance and Made in America quality and reliability. Starting with the Iridium, our flagship 400W monoblock amplifier, and the 8008 mkII, our 200W dual monoblock amplifier, we are bringing back the same no-compromise, high-value aapproach to modern entertainment electronics perfected by Mondial Designs. Later this year we'll bring out our 2-channel and multi-channel pre-amps, plus the updated 8008x3 mkII, our 3-channel amplifier.