Tom DeVesto 是 Tivoli Audio 的創始人,他是一位受人尊敬與公認的音響界領導者,他的目標是要帶給消費者簡單易用、高品質,且價格合理的音響產品。他說:「Model One令人印象如此深刻, 所以我開了一家公司就是來賣它。」 他與Henry Kloss 三十年的合作經驗包含了在Advent和在Kloss Video的資深管理職位,以及共同創立了Cambridge SoundWorks。身為Cambridge SoundWorks的總執行長與研發部門首腦,許多今天有著最佳銷售成績的高傳真與多媒體產品都是由Tom所負責發展。他最新設計的產品,包括:Model Two、Model Subwoofer、Model CD、RadioCombo和Model Three Clock Radio,更擴展了Henry的收音機科技,使其成為一系列雅緻、高水準的完整產品線。
Tivoli Audio was created for one purpose - to bring beautifully designed, simple-to-use, high quality audio products to consumers at a fair price. The company was founded by Tom DeVesto, a highly respected innovator in the audio industry whose decades-long career includes senior management positions at Advent Corporation, Kloss Video and the co-founding of Cambridge SoundWorks. As CEO and head of R & D at his former company, Tom was responsible for the development of some of the best selling and most innovative hifi and multimedia speaker products available.
Our products represent a level of sound quality and fit and finish which is unequalled in their price range. Every Tivoli Audio product is manufactured in our own factory, which affords us exceptional quality control. Words cannot fully convey the experience of living with - and listening to - one of our radios, so we invite you to take advantage of our Risk Free 30 Days In-Home audition period. This is the only way to truly discover what makes our products so special. Please visit our website often for our latest news and reviews and feel free to contact us if you have questions.
All of our products make elegant, distinctive gifts for Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, weddings, graduations, birthdays, housewarmings, and other special occasions.