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Revel Rhythm2  主動式超低音喇叭
商品型號:Rhythm2 (每支)
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Revel Rhythm2  主動式超低音喇叭  規格表
  ■ 喇叭單體 & 單音箱型式
超低音單體 尺寸規格:(?吋)
(Super Woofer Driver)
18-inch cast-frame woofer; 4-inch-diameter voice coil; 1.7-inch Xmax
超低音單體 單體數量:(?支)
主動式 or 被動式 系統 主動式
頻率響應 ?Hz ~ ?kHz 數值範圍
( Frequency Response )
設計型式 1:低音反射式 / 密閉 氣墊式 
設計型式 2:低音單體~正面發聲 / 低音單體~向下發聲
設計型式 3:✔ 推挽式  
  ■ 擴大機功率 & 頻率範圍調整 & 輸出入端子 
擴大機 輸出功率 ( RMS / 峰值 ) ?瓦 2,000WRMS / 4,000W peak power
頻率響應 ?Hz ~ ?kHz 數值範圍
( Frequency Response )
✔ 低通濾波 ( 連續可調 ) 
✔ 低通濾波 ( 使用 無線介面 App 調整 ) 
✔ 相位選擇
輸入端子:RCA x ?組 / 高電位 x ?組 
輸出端子:RCA x ?組 / 高電位 x ?組
✔ 自動電源啟閉 
 ( Auto Power )
  ■ 外觀型式
( 表面材質處理 )
外觀尺寸 ( 高 × 寬 × 深 mm)
( Dimensions ( H × W × D mm))
625 x 709 x 714 mm
淨重: 公斤 kg 數值
( Net Weight / kg )
89 kg

Revel Rhythm2 主動式超低音喇叭 規格表

Features High-resolution DSP room EQ; Fully configurable electronic crossover; High-pass room EQ; PC setup via USB
Driver Components 18-inch cast-frame woofer; 4-inch-diameter voice coil; 1.7-inch Xmax
Amplifier Power 2,000WRMS / 4,000W peak power
Maximum Acoustic Output Over 115dB acoustic output
Weight 196 lb (89 kg)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 625 x 709 x 714 mm


The Revel Ultima Rhythm2 subwoofer is truly the ultimate subwoofer, designed on a cost-no-object basis that establishes a new standard of low frequency reproduction. Revel engineers created a state of-the-art 18-inch transducer using the most sophisticated FEA modeling in the design of every component part, from the ultra-low distortion motor system to the spider, surround, voice coil and frame. Advanced KlippelR analysis was used to optimize the massive 4-inch diameter by 1.75-inch long dual voice coils, immersed in a symmetrical magnetic field stabilized to maintain low distortion, even during very long excursion.

Two 1,000 Watt RMS (2,000 Watt peak) amplifiers power the massive dual voice coils to provide ample power for the huge diaphragm area and long-excursion capability. This massive output power assures output greater than 115dB, at low-distortion.

The Rhythm2 offers sophisticated DSP room correction capabilities commensurate with its cutting-edge capabilities. Ultra high-resolution equalization precisely corrects low frequency coloration caused by room modes. Unlike most subwoofer equalization systems, the Rhythm2 subwoofer EQ takes the contribution of the high-pass (main) speaker’s contribution at low frequencies. Without such a capability, subwoofer EQ is of no real value. The Revel Ultima Rhythm2 takes the latest findings from Revel’s research scientists fully into account, providing genuine sonic improvements compared to other subwoofers.

The Rhythm2 offers a full electronic crossover with unequaled flexibility for choosing independent crossover frequency and slope for the subwoofer and the main outputs, and even provides room correction for the main loudspeakers. Since room modes dominate sound quality below around 300 Hz, room correction for the main speakers dramatically improves sound quality.

With true delay adjustments provided for the subwoofer, the Rhythm2 can be better integrated with the main loudspeakers than other subwoofers, offering a unique freedom from coloration for the entire combination.

Rhythm2 Highlights
● Standard-setting output capability and low distortion
● Massive 18-inch woofer with dual 4-inch x 1.75-inch
● Ultra low-distortion motor system with symmetrical magnetic fields and mirror-image spider design to cancel distortion; no servo feedback system required
● Two ultrahigh-power amplifiers with a total of 2,000W RMS and 4,000W peak outputforlow dynamic compression at very high output levels
● Sophisticated self-protection circuitry allows unprecedented dynamics for extraordinarily lifelike bass

超低音單體能發出多強的低頻能量取決於兩個關鍵:音盆與空氣的接觸面積以及音盆的最大振幅(衝程),18吋單體的音盆面積約為一般超低音喇叭12吋單體音盆的2.25倍,而12吋單體的Xmax(單體最大運動距離)有13mm就能稱為「長衝程」,Rhythm2 18吋單體的Xmax則有1.7英吋(約43mm)、足足是前者的3.3倍以上,更大的音盆、更大的振幅,整體通算Rhythm2 18吋單體「推動空氣的能力」約為一般12吋超低音單體的7.5倍,換言之,大約要同時使用8支12吋超低音喇叭(或4支配備雙12吋單體的超低音喇叭),低頻能量才可望與Rhythm2抗衡。Rhythm2的單體這麼厲害,原廠當然要徹底發揮它的能力,內建連續輸出2000瓦的功率放大電路(兩組1000瓦功放、各自驅動一組音圈)、最大瞬間輸出則高達4000瓦,因此以內建功放電路的總功率來看,Rhythm2也幾乎等同8支12吋超低音喇叭的總和。
Rhythm2不僅擁有超過115dB的最大音壓輸出,而且它還有高精度的數位等化電路,原廠提供Revel LFO(Low-Frequency Optimizer),只要用家在iOS攜帶裝置安裝AudioTools(App)、加接指定的測試麥克風測得Rhythm2在視聽空間中的實際頻響,隨後用安裝了LFO的筆電透過網路讀取實測頻響的檔案、連接Rhythm2,即可作10段EQ調整(包括三種Filter型態、頻率與Level皆可自訂),能將低頻響應曲線修整得十分平直,調校完成後把數據傳至Rhythm2,往後它就能帶給用家非常平坦的低頻響應,即使用家的空間有缺陷、超低音的擺位也受限,也都能以LFO調整Rythem2的數位等化器,有效克服空間駐波造成的頻響不均問題。

· 配備特製18吋超長衝程雙音圈超低音單體
· 內建兩組1000瓦功放電路,最高峰值功率高達4000瓦
· 最高音壓輸出115分貝以上
· 可使用Revel LFO作高精度空間等化校正
· 搭載平衡輸出入端子