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*Marantz PM-11S2  綜合擴大機
商品型號:PM-11S2 (每台)
供貨狀況:商品資訊 ..... 可來電洽詢!

Marantz PM-11S2 擴大機 規格表

聲道 2
電流回饋環線路 o
Phono EQ:
標準 / 電流反饋 / 持續電流反饋
- / - / o
變壓器:環形 / EI o / -
高階音響組件 o
客製化元件 o
鋁擠式散熱槽 o
鍍銅底座 o
平衡/低音/高音/響度 o / o / o / -
線性驅動電源 o
線性音量控制 o
BTL 橋接可能性 -
雙擴大機與多聲道選擇 o
Choke input電感輸入 o
Shottky diodes蕭特基二極體 o
(all inputs / CD only)
o /-
分離式實心散熱槽 o
系統散熱屏蔽:鍍銅/金屬/無 o / - / -
雙層底盤 o
低噪LCD顯示幕 o
低噪LED顯示幕 -
功率表:類比/數位 - / -
訊源直入 o
功率放大直入 -
待機模式 -
5mm鋁質上蓋 o
音頻輸入 6
唱頭輸入: MM / MC o / o
音頻輸出 2
平衡輸入 / 輸出 1 / -
前級輸出/後級輸入 1 / -
功率放大直入 -
鍍金腰線 o
揚聲器 A / B o
Screw / Marantz / WBT
- / - / o
端子數 4
D-Bus -
(3.5 mm mono jack x 2)
(觸發器 - 輸入 / 輸出 )
閃光器輸入 / IR接收器輸入 -
耳機輸出 o
(直接 / docking station座充)
- / o
輸出功率(8/4 歐姆 RMS) 100 W / 200 W
輸出功率 (8 / 4Ω DIN) 120 W / 210 W
輸出功率 (8 / 4Ω IHF) 140 W / 260 W
橋接輸出功率 (8Ω RMS) -
頻率響應 5 Hz-100 kHz
總諧波失真 0.01 %
阻尼係數 100
輸入敏感度:高 240 mV / 20 kΩ
輸入靈敏度: 平衡 High level 480 mV / 40 kΩ
訊噪比:高 96 dB
顏色 香檳金
金屬前面板 o
消耗功率(W) 300
待機消耗功率(W) -
可卸式電源線 o
遙控器 RC001PM
最大外觀尺寸(寬 x 深 x 高) 440 x 444 x 168 mm
重量(Kg) 27.0

Integrated Amplifier

■ 2x 100W (8 歐姆) / 2x 200W (4歐姆)
■ Premium綜合擴大機
■ 高精確線性音量控制
■ 混合式環型變壓器
■ 電感輸入系統供電電路
■ 二階段功率擴大設計
■ 全新 HDAMR SA3 電路
■ 固定電流反饋唱頭等化器
■ 多聲道配置 F.C.B.S (浮點控制系統)
■ MM/MC 唱頭輸入
■ 零雜訊 LCD 顯示幕
■ 鋁合金上蓋

源自 Marantz 旗艦系列 SC-11 以及 SM-11 的尖端技術,PM-11S2 是全新上市的擴大機。

因為採用大型鋁製外殼屏蔽的環形變壓器以及客製化的精選元件,PM-11S2 可以在 8Ω 的狀態之下提供兩聲道 100W 的立體聲輸出,在 4Ω 時可以達到 200W 的超大輸出功率。

透過 3 階段式的前級,後級與額外的前級 MM/MC 線路,使訊號完全整合並達到極低噪訊比。

為求達到最佳的動態以及最完美立體聲音像,PM-11S2 採用的 Marantz 最新電流反饋 HDAM-SA3 模組搭配對稱與最短訊號路徑線路。

基座以及後背板都採用鍍銅鋁合金材質,可有效抑制 EMI 電磁以及地電位的干擾。
PM-11S2 絕對是令您屏息期待的擴大機。

Ultimate finesse often starts with brute over-engineering. At least, that's the case with the Marantz PM-11S2 Reference Series integrated amplifier.
The power supply, that critical stage that provides operating voltages for every circuitry stage, features a massive toroidal transformer newly configured for minimum mechanical vibration. Completely covered by an aluminum case, and mounted to the chassis on its own 10mm-thick aluminum base, this multiple-secondary device weighs 14.5 pounds in itself. Another power supply design element is a choke input using a large capacitor to eliminate high frequency noise. Schottky barrier diodes in the rectifier section provide high instantaneous current capability and quicker response than conventional circuit elements.

The PM-11S2's preamplifier section features fully balanced circuitry with liberal applications of Marantz's HDAMR (Hyper Dynamic Amplifier Module) in their newest SA3 configuration. Sonically, the SA3 modules assure smooth stage-to-stage signal transitions and help provide the silken response so prized by audiophiles.

Each input includes a separate HDAMR-SA3 buffer stage that virtually eliminates unwanted interactions between source and amplifier. And, of course, the XLR input's buffer is a balanced HDAMR configuration. The phono input, ready for both MM and MC phono cartridges, boasts full constant current feedback topology implemented with discrete device. This minimizes the sonic discontinuity often observed with lower quality equalization circuits as LP signals range from low to high frequencies.

The final preamplifier stage includes a high-precision digital volume control. Augmented by more HDAMR devices, it provides easily repeatable gain settings as well as faultless transition from preamp to power amp stages.

On the amplifier side, the PM-11S2 evidences the same level of careful consideration. Signal traces, the copper "roads" that carry current, are far wider than convention dictates.

Configured as two "semi-monoblocks" that share only a common chassis, power cord, and transformer, each amplifier channel draws on the MA-9S2's minimalist two stage design in which a voltage amplifier determines overall gain and then feeds a current stage which provides the force needed to drive the loudspeakers of your choice.

The end result? An integrated amplifier comfortable with virtually any loudspeaker. With the ability to "double down" power into low impedances, the PM-11S2 often surpasses the speaker control capability of so-called "super amps".

A 5mm thick aluminum plate tops the rigid copper-plated chassis and its dual layer bottom provides a firm foundation for all internal components. Two sets of WBT speaker terminals and front panel A/B speaker switching add a rare level of convenience. You can also configure a pair of these remarkable components to bi-amp your favorite speakers. And F.C.B.S., our proprietary Floating Control Bus System, synchronizes for up to three PM-11S2s for multi-channel applications.

Front panel cosmetics are as advanced as the circuitry behind them. Indirect blue LEDs display status with a decor-friendly sophisticated elegance. You'll also be happy to note that the display is a low noise LCD that exacts no performance penalty as it keeps you informed about the PM-11S2's operation.

The Marantz PM-11S2. A true Reference in every sense of the word. Simplicity. Flexibility. And aural capability beyond your expectations. But isn't that exactly what you expect? After all, you're considering a Marantz.