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丹麥 DENSEN  B-200+ 前級擴大機
商品型號:B-200+ (台)
供貨狀況:商品資訊 ..... 可來電洽詢!


Line- & tape inputs 4 & 2
Preouts 4
Powersupply size 2x20VA
Storage capacity
THD + Noise @ rated output Less than 0.05%
Frequency response (+0 -3db) 2-500.000Hz
8/10 Kg
Product dimensions (WxDxH)

簡單俐落到過頭的外型,是自始至終我對Densen 產品的唯一印象。因為過去一直沒機會好好聽過Densen 擴大機的聲音,因此總是認為Densen 的聲音便如同其外型,剛正不阿、稜角分明、在冷冽中透出尊貴高雅的質感。這樣的判斷方式如同「以貌取人」,未免太不客觀,不過它也有個好處,就是往往會伴隨著意想不到的驚喜。那麼,Densen B-200有帶給我驚喜嗎?有!B-200 不僅充滿熱情與活力,豐潤多彩,更無生冷的距離感,與它的外表有著南轅北轍的表現。


到底是什麼樣的設計埋藏在B-200 剛硬的外表下,讓人聽起音樂就會不由自主地「熱」起來?說實在的,打開B-200的機箱蓋,依舊給人一種「冷」的感覺,可能是排列工整的SMD 表面黏著元件所致吧!不過仔細深究,B-200 的設計依然遵循Hi-End 製作原則。

先從訊源輸入看起,B-200 的訊源選擇部分也使用繼電器,不過B-200 所用的CP Claire PRME25005 繼電器它是單聲道運

作,而且似乎不是採機械式開關的方式運作, 也因此, 整部B-200 用了不下18 個繼電器,整齊的排在電路板後方靠近端子處。接著訊號以雙單聲道的路徑輸入第一級放大。這個部分比較特別,一般來說,訊號從繼電器出來後,會先送入音量衰減器,然後才開始初級放大,但B-200 卻將訊號立即送入初級放大,然後再去音量控制器。Densen 的設計理念是,訊號在未經衰減而改變其電器特性前,旋即送入初級放大,對初級放大級來說,不僅更容易處理,而且更能保持訊號的完整性。待已經過初級放大的訊號,再經過音量衰減器調整後,才送入最後一級放大。


對於前級的最後一級放大,也就是輸出級,Densen 也有一項設計原則,就是訊號除了要能應付長距離的訊號線傳輸,也必須要能同時輸出給多部後級擴大機,甚至是這好幾部後級擺在很遠的地方,都要能維持訊號的完整。這也就是說,B-200 的輸出級不僅輸出阻抗夠低,而且能量還相當強。

這該如何辦到呢?很簡單,輸出高達6W 的純A 類放大輸出級,就可以了,而且,線路設計同樣採用Densen 一向標榜的無負迴授,可兼具動態完整、相位正確、聲底乾淨的優點。B-200 的輸出級使用高速電晶體做放大,再搭配超額供應的強大電源,讓B-200 竟然可以提供多達4 組訊號輸出,因此不僅可以bi-amping,甚至可以quad-amping,也就是連結4 部立體聲後級擴大機,或是8 台單聲道後級。


有必要搞成這樣子嗎?這樣的設計會不會太誇張了點兒?其實,這可是有目的的喔!Densen 有一套稱之為SAXO 的電子分音系統,而它的每一部後級都可以選購模組化的SAXO 電子分音器,進而組成電子分音多音路系統。因此只要有一部B-200,再搭配2 至4 台裝了SAXO 的B-300 系列後級(若是單聲道的B-350,需要更多台),你就可以輕鬆建構2音路至4 音路的電子分音系統,升級彈性可謂超強。

用料方面,B-200 所有的電阻都是1%誤差之內的雷射切割金屬皮膜電阻,並使用SMD 表面黏著技術,使用精選含銀量高的銲錫,搭配全自動焊接,精確度極高。所有電容都是因應聲音調整的需求,而特別挑選的,而不是一味搭配發燒用料而已。

電源供應方面,B-200 使用DM-20 這顆經過封裝的電源變壓器,Densen 的旗艦前級也是用這顆,搭配5 顆訂製濾波電容,總容值達50,000uF。變壓器一次用了2 顆,分別供應給音頻放大與控制電路所需。另外,B-200 還可以選搭內建DP-01 唱頭放大模組,更增其搭配性。


除了聲音表現之外,使用上的方便性以及建構多房間音響系統,也是Densen 關注的重點。這套建構在CPU 中央處理器的控制系統,讓B-200 可與多個房間的其他Densen 器材進行雙向溝通,串成一個完整的音響系統,而且只要其中一部器材接收到遙控訊號,就可以操作全部的系統。比如說,人在廚房聽音樂,但播放器在客廳,就可以用遙控器在廚房進行選曲。這套系統是以背板上的D-Sub 介面(Link 端子)作連結,這是標準的電腦介面,除了方便溝通,要更新軟體也相當容易。

而為了支援高品質的多房間系統,B-200 居然還內建另外一組獨立的前級,可以透過Link 端子與其他房間的器材連結,且不會跟主放大級相互干擾。這個系統是以833 IC 做平衡式放大,好處是遠距離傳輸時,訊號較不易衰減,而這些也都是以CPU 進行控制。由此看來,Densen 除了專注在音響性能與聲音表現外,器材操控與使用的方便性也是其關心的重點,而且是在聲音不被妥協的情況下,兼顧操作的便利,的確是既用心,又貼心。


實際試聽時搭配的器材是NuForce Ref9 V2 後級,驅動PMC LB1 Signature 喇叭,參考機則是NuForce P-8 前級。先從小編制開始,聆聽傅尼葉的巴哈無伴奏大提琴組曲。這個錄音過去聽起來總是稜角分明,線條感偏細瘦,不過B-200 此時就像一帖良藥,不僅讓聲音的線條變得更為流暢柔美,而且琴腔的共鳴感也更好,琴韻濃郁,整個中、低頻的量感跟著提升不少。

既然B-200 播放某些較早期錄音有這麼好的效果,於是我接著又聽了阿格麗希演奏巴哈第二號英國組曲的DG 大花版CD。這個印象中有點乾澀緊繃的錄音,忽然變得熱情起來,不僅音像規模感變大,共鳴的延伸更好,空間中的殘響堂韻也變得豐富。另一方面,B-200 的純A 類無負迴授設計,以及高達6 瓦的輸出,讓動態與能量感的表現更為優異,也就是說,音樂變得更活生了。我想,不論是軟體還是音響系統,B-200 都可以提供「專治乾澀」的服務,為音樂加添適當的熱度,卻又不致過於濃烈而讓人吃不消。

The Densen BEAT-200PLUS is the most classic product, currently in Densens line. It was at the forefront of audio in 1994 when it was launched, and still it is a reference preamplifier, especially with the new PLUS version, which has resulted in an even more refined sound and performance. As you would expect, it bears the Densen trademark of engaging musicality, but the BEAT-200PLUS is also technically sophisticated and is fully engineered for the Gizmo system remote.

The B-200PLUS marks the begining of a new phase for Densen, as it contains several unique, exciting solutions.

Soundwise the B-200PLUS is – as with all other Densen products – designed with the absolute highest sound-quality as its goal. From the second the signal enters the B-200PLUS there is no compromise. The input selection is done with a special version of CP Claire’s best relay. The CP Claire PRME 25005 is a mono relay, providing the B-200PLUS with relays for both left and right signal - and a total of no less than 18 CP Claire relays, though the layout of the signal path means that the signal will travel through an absolute minimum of relays. From the input relays the signal is sent to the first stage of the preamp. Normally the signal would be sent directly to the potentiometer, but by starting with the first amplifier stage, the amplifier stage can be designed not only to take care of its normal function, but also to interact perfectly with the volume potentiometer that follows it. This ensures that signal sources with inferior output-stages will stil work perfectly with the B-200PLUS, because it is easier for them to work with the input stage rather then with a potentiometer that changes electrical ccharacteristics with the volume setting. From the volume potentiometer the signal is sent to the final stages of the B-200PLUS. The last stages are designed to be able to drive long cable runs, enabling it to work perfectly with several power amplifiers at once, even if they are placed alongway away from the B-200PLUS. This is done by making the output-stage a 6W Class-A power amplifier with no feedback… Naturally the amplifier stages are totally discrete designs, using ultrafast transistors and massive power supplies.

The whole of the circuitry is designed with the best components, and as such all inputs are goldplated, all resistors are 1% laser-trimmed metalfilm or better, all capacitors are selected for their sonic quality, and a Alps RK27 motor-driven potentiometer is used in a 4 times version. The power supply is built with the same encapsulated transformers as in Densen's top of the line preamp, the DM-20. We use no less than 5 custom-made capacitors, with a total capacity of 50.000 uF. There are seperate transformers for audio and for the CPU/Link system. The design is optimised to perfection, with only a minimum of leaded components, the rest being high quality SMD components, mounted with a precision of 0.05 mm! There is used a special teflon double-sided PCB, which is highly unusual, but has dramatic effects on the signal quality.

As always, the B-200PLUS is prepared for bi-amping, but this time it is also prepared for quad-amping, allowing it to drive up to 4 stereo power amplifiers, or 8 monoblocks! If the connected power amplifier is Densen’s BEAT 320, it will be possible to make the system active by using electronic crossovers mounted internally in the BEAT B-300. This provides a clear upgrade path, from one B-200PLUS/B-310 to one B-200 and up to four B-330's using electronic crossovers, in an state-of-the-art active system.

It is naturally possibile to mount a DP-01 phono-stage internally in the B-200PLUS

As allways with a Densen product, the circuit itself is built using no feedback, which results in an open, transparent and dynamic sound with the Densen trademark musical involvement in the foreground.

The B-200PLUS is not only optimised soundwise; the remote and link system are also state-of-the-art, the result of 2 software programmers work since February 1996.

The B-200PLUS link system allows two-way communication in multiroom installations. It is made to be an intelligent system, where every product helps the others, so that IR signals recieved by the B-200PLUS or another product are transferred to the product for which they are intented, securing a perfect reception of IR information. Each product will be avare of which other Densen products are in the system, allowing for problem free use of the remote etc.

On the B-200PLUS, the link system will allow the user to power-up a link amplifier in the kitchen, or in another room and then control the main system in the living room, sending the signals to and from the kitchen, for playback in the kitchen only (or in the bedroom, or somewhere else). It will be possible to have full display information on the status of all units in another room.

It will also be possible to take the remote to another room and control the link from there, or to use the remote in the main system like a normal remote.

The whole link system interacts with a type D-Subconnector, and as such uses a computer standard, allowing for easy updating.

The frontpanel functions are also improved, without sacrificing the Densen trademark of no-nonsense. One of the new features is stand-by, allowing not only the B-200PLUS to be put in stand-by, but also all other connected Densen products. Another feature is the processor loop, allowing for the use of the forthcoming surround processor.

To secure high quality sound in this multiroom system, the B-200PLUS has also a seperate preamp stage for the link system, securing perfect quality, without interfering with the B-200PLUS’s main preamp. The link preamp is designed with a 833 IC which is run in balanced mode to secure no hum, even in link installations with long cableruns. Even though the 833 is of high quality, used in many of our competitors preamps, we feel it works best as a balanced amplifier in the link system, and that our discrete single-ended circuit is much better for real high-end use.

All in all, this system is extremely versatile and will form the backbone of Densen products for many years to come. It is even prepared for extensions, meaning that the CPU, which is the heart of the system, can be updated.

To avoid making the CPU in the B-200PLUS too costly, we have been able to optimize the Link/remote system considerably. Between the initial prototype and the final product, we have We have actually been able to remove 250 components, while improving the performance of the CPU.

All these features are built into the BEAT-200PLUS in a discrete way that never detracts from the true goal: musicality.