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丹麥 DENSEN  B-440XS CD 唱盤
商品型號:B-440XS (台)
供貨狀況:商品資訊 ..... 可來電洽詢!


Line outputs
Digital outputs
Digital Input
Storage capacity

D/A 轉換器
D/A converters

D/A 轉換器類型
D/A converters type
Just listen
8/10 Kg
Product dimensions (WxDxH)

稱Densen 為產品識別度最高的品牌可一點都不為過,Densen 的產品不論是唱盤、DAC、前級、後級還是綜擴,都是同一個樣子,且相同尺寸,絕對不會看走眼。Densen 的型號命名方式也很一致,除了最新的DenDAC50 之外,其他都是B 開頭接3 位數字,然後數字越大的等級越高。其中1 開頭代表綜合擴大機,2開頭是後級,3 是前級,CD 唱盤則是4 開頭,因此這次評論的主角B-420XS很明顯的就是CD 唱盤。

Densen 目前一共有4 部CD 唱盤,等級由低至高分別是B-410XS、B-420XS、B-440XS,以及B-475XS,但令人迷惑的是,它們的外型看起來完全一樣,連背板的輸出、入端子都相同,當中除了旗艦唱盤B-475XS 採電源分離設計,多了一部尺寸相同的電源機箱之外,其他三部只能靠印在面板的型號分辨,那它們的差異在哪裡?基本上,在相同的架構下,B-420XS 具備比B-410XS 更大顆、份量更充足的環形變壓器,加強了電源供應;B-440XS 使用和B-420XS 相同的電源供應,但數類轉換與類比輸出電路板大了一倍有餘;B-475XS 與B-440XS的差別則是B-475XS 將電源部分整個外移,一口氣用上3 顆環形變壓器與數量驚人的濾波電容陣列,供應能力給擴大機使用都綽綽有餘。

B-440XS 微處理器與伺服控制的軟體都由Densen 自行撰寫,CD 轉盤由優化的內部時鐘系統加以控制,因此看起來內部使用的是一部普通的光碟機,但其實已經過Densen 高度客製化修正。B-440XS 具備2 組RCA 數位輸出與1 組RCA

數位輸入,可當純轉盤,也可當DAC 使用。特別的是,B-440XS 具有2 組RCA類比輸出,可同時支援2 組系統的播放,重點是B-440XS 類比輸出使用無負迴授純A 類放大,輸出功率達到6 瓦,即使2 組同時輸出都夠用。

The B-440XS may look as the naturally progression of the award winning Densen B-440+ at least pricewise, but actually is more of than a successor, and pushes the quality of CD Playback significantly.

The B-440XS is in all aspects optimised for perfect performance. The signal comes from the heavily modified CD transport, with external clock control to avoid jitter by using same clock in both sending and receiving end of the datastream. Passes trough the advanced pcb layout to the DAC, and further on through the analogue stage which uses Densen’s unique non feedback class A topology. It is further perfected from the earlier designs, and are one of the key elements that secures the extreme high sound quality of the B-440XS.

The DAC circuit is completely new board, using several unique techniques and details.

the Densen design team has focused totally on creating a CD player that not only sets new standards for the price range, but actually plays music in a way that allows the listener to really dig into the music.

In the B-440XS is not only the digital and analogue stages optimized to perfection, but also the powersupply. Being the heart of all audio, the powersupply in the B-440XS is comparable to many poweramplifiers with a 300 VA transformer, 40.000 uF storage capacity, and no less than 8 individual regulators and 4 bridges. Naturally this means that all digital stages, analogue stages, and microprocessors and display have individual supplies, to avoid interference, and allow all stages to work perfectly.

The microprocessor contains Densens own control software, that controls both CD drive and all functionality including display, link and remote. The CD drive is modified with external clockcontroller. The analogue stages are based on Densens famed 6 watt class A amplifier stage, with no negative feed back (neither global or local), which here is obvious used in a version without 6 watts output.

The B-440XS uses the best components throughout the design, such as custommade capacitors, Vishay metalfilm resistors, goldplated RCA’s with direct connection to the printed circuit board. And high quality film capacitors.

The B-440XS is available in either albino finish with chrome pushbottons, or black with either chrome or gold pushbottons. The display is the same dotmatrix used on Densens B-110, B-130, B-150 and B-250 amplifiers.

The DAC and analogue board is separated from the main CPU board, contains DACs which are encapsulated for best performance, an advanced class A non feedback analogue stage, and shunt regulators in the powersupply.

The DAC is a 24 bit type which is mounted under a shielded box, to avoid digital interference on the analogue stages. To optimise the PCB layout, the B-440XS uses a 4 layer PCB, where powersupply and ground has their own layer. This allows making these planes extremely precise in the distribution of power to the delicate circuits.

There is a seperate COAX/SPDIF Digital input, that allow the B-440XS to be used as DAC.

Soundwise the B-440XS is the result of Densen headhoncho Thomas Sillesens desire to make a CD Player that not only surpasses the current Densen models, but a CD player that will be a benchmark for what can be expected from CD players not only at the pricepoint of the B-440XS, but also at pricepoints much higher. The B-440XS is transparent, dynamic, precise, engaging, musically correct, with a precise soundstage, and the ability to create a sound so good you forget you are “just” listening to a CD Player.

The B-440XS has double goldplated RCA outputs, BNC digital output and Densen’s own Digital output format which allows for easy upgrade to separate DAC and Transport, if Densen decides to launch a separate DAC. The digital outputs can be switched off. It also has DenLink for easy communication between Densen products and for use in multiroom systems.