英國原裝進口 CHORD SIGNATURE …專業音響訊號線
英國 CHORD 原裝進口線材;榮獲國外各大音響雜誌 "五顆星" 最佳評鑑.
Rumour 2 喇叭線材
This is our most popular speaker cable, and an established
favourite with dealers and customers alike. Materials and
structure are identical to Odyssey, but using thinner strands. It
shares its big brother's natural perspective and musical vitality.
Rumour's fast, articulate sound makes the competition sound veiled
and congested. It will bring your system to life.
Rumour is available either as install cable, or in a discrete white
silicon jacketed version, with either 2 Cores, for single wiring, or
4 Cores, for bi wiring. The white jacket is designed to leave the
cable inconspicuous against a typical skirting board.
Rumour2 Rumour4
Colour: White White
Design: Twisted Pair 2 x Twisted Pair
Jacket: Silicon Silicon
Conductor: 16 AWG Silver Plated Copper 16 AWG Silver Plated Copper
Strands: 2 x 19 4 x 19
Dielectric: Teflon Teflon
Termination: 4mm Banana plugs, BFA plugs or bare ends